ADHDgene Database
  • Published Variant
  • Published Gene: 359
  • Published Region: 128
  • Pathway by PBA: 8
  • Study: 361

SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs518147 dbSNP Ensembl
Location ChrX:113818582(Fwd)
Variant Alleles G/C
Ancestral Allele C
Functional Annotation 5_prime_UTR_variant.
Consequence to Transcript 5_prime_UTR_variant(ENST00000371951; ENST00000276198; ENST00000371950)
No. of Studies 3 (significant: 3; non-significant: 0; trend: 0)
Source Literature-origin

SNP related studies (count: 3)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result of Statistical Analysis
Ribases M, 2009(b) Case-control test: lowest P-value=0.23 for genotype analysis...... Case-control test: lowest P-value=0.23 for genotype analysis, P-value=0.049 for allele analysis in adult combined ADHD. More... no significance after correcting for multiple comparisons no significance after correcting for multiple comparisons Significant
Xu X, 2009(a) G-697C TDT P-value=0.017, OR=1.7 TDT P-value=0.017, OR=1.7 significantly associated with ADHD, even after correcting P-...... significantly associated with ADHD, even after correcting P-values using the Bonferroni method for multiple tests. More... Significant
Li J, 2006(a) G/C TDT P-value=0.01, X2=6.588 in ADHD; TDT P-value=0...... TDT P-value=0.01, X2=6.588 in ADHD; TDT P-value=0.041, X2=4.17 in ADHD-C; TDT P-value=0.261, X2=1.261 in ADHD-I More... a preferential transmission of the G allele to ADHD probands...... a preferential transmission of the G allele to ADHD probands and biased transmission in families with ADHD-C probands More... Significant

SNP related genes (count: 1)

Literature-origin genes (count: 1)

Genes from other sources Help (count: 0)

SNPs in LD with rs518147 (count: 29) View in gBrowse (chrX:113799907..113914990 )
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2>=0.8.

Literature-origin SNPs (count: 0)

LD-proxies (count: 29)